AL-HIKMAH JOURNAL OF ISLAMIC STUDIES الحــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــكـــــــــــــــــــــمـــــــــة: مجلة الدراسات الإسلامية <p style="background: white; margin: 0cm 0cm 15.0pt 0cm;"><span style="font-size: 10.5pt; color: #252324;">Al-Hikmah Journal of Islamic Studies is a bi-annual and blind peer reviewed Islamic Scholarly journal published by the Department of Islamic studies, Faculty of humanities, Umaru Musa Yar’adua University, Katsina State-Nigeria. The journal is officially dedicated to the rigorous scholarly study of all areas/branches of Islam, which include Quranic Sciences, Hadith Sciences, Islamic Jurisprudence, Theology, Islamic History, Islamic Economics, Islamic Banking and Finance, Muslim Thought, Islamic Philosophy and civilization, Islamic politics, comparative studies of Religions and other related areas.</span></p> Deparment of Islamic Studies, Umaru Musa Yar'adua University P.M.B. 2218 Katsina, Nigeria en-US AL-HIKMAH JOURNAL OF ISLAMIC STUDIES الحــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــكـــــــــــــــــــــمـــــــــة: مجلة الدراسات الإسلامية 2277-0658 An Overview on the Impact of the Nigerian Exchange (NGX) Lotus Islamic Index (NSE LII) on the Nigerian Capital Market <p>While there are some industries that deal with items that are categorically prohibited by Shari‘ah, there are several companies whose business practices are quite Shari‘ah compliant and are suitable for investment by the ethically-minded investing public both at local and foreign levels. This study examines how impactful the Nigerian Stock Exchange Lotus Islamic Index [NSE LII] is on the Nigerian Capital markets. Has the Nigerian Stock Exchange [NSE] made the Nigerian capital markets more accessible and more inclusive by updating the index rules for its Nigerian Stock Exchange Lotus Islamic Index [NSE LII]? Has the premier Islamic ethical index [NSE LII] been more representative of the investible universe of Shari‘ah compliant stocks as the Nigerian capital market expands? While it makes use of the library, historical and analytic methods, scholarly answers are provided to the raised research questions. The findings show that the Nigerian Exchange Lotus Islamic Index, as one of the global major ethical unit stock market indices, has made the Nigerian capital market more accessible and more inclusive. Since the legislation gaps are no more obstacles to the Islamic securities in Nigeria, the obstacle remains the knowledge gap. So, it is recommended that the investors seek the professional advice from the professional assets managers who possess the know-how of the Islamic finance to profitably handle their investing portfolio.</p> YUSUF Owolabi Kasim Copyright (c) 2023 AL-HIKMAH JOURNAL OF ISLAMIC STUDIES الحــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــكـــــــــــــــــــــمـــــــــة: مجلة الدراسات الإسلامية 2022-12-31 2022-12-31 10 2 1 12 إسهامات عبد اهلل بن فودي يف تطوير مكتبات العربية واإلسالمية <table> <tbody> <tr> <td width="312"> <p>يوجد التقدم واالزدهار حيث يوجد العلم واملعرفة، وهذا األخري ال يتحقق إال بوجود علماء أكفاء يثق هبم الناس يف علمهم، ففي بالد أفريقيا انتقل العلم إليها بشىت الطرق حىت ظهرت حكومات على غرار خالفة صكتو يف نيجرياي ملؤسسها الشيخ عثمان بن فودي وأخيه عبد هللا بن فودي؛ و الذي غذى علمه املكتبات شرقا وغراب ويف شىت اجملاالت يف العقل والنقل واجلهاد وآاثره العلمية واضحة، من خالل مؤلفاته اليت تفوق املائة واليت اتضح لنا يف الدقة واملنهج واللغة الفصحى رغم أن الشيخ مل يكن يتقن اللغة العربية يف البداية و لكنه عمل على إتقاهنا مبرور األايم، كما كان له صيت يف السياسات الشرعية والتصوف؛ واليت أسهم بشكل الفت وهو ما يوضح األثر العلمي للشيخ، انهيك عن األثر اجلهادي يف البالد الذي أهم يف النهوض ابإلسالم ودخول العديد من األفارقة ابلطريقة الفودية اجلهادية والعلمية.</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="312"> <p>Progress and development exist wherever knowledge and science exist. This latter would not be actualized unless there are sound, resonate and qualified scholars whose wealth of knowledge and authority has been proved and trusted by people. In Africa, knowledge and science has been transmitted through various means. As a result, a number of Islamic Caliphates appeared such as the Sokoto Caliphate in Nigeria which was founded by Sheikh Othman bin Foudi and his brother Abdullah bin Foudi. The latter left a lot of valuable scientific publications in different scholarly fields such as logic revelation and Jihad. He lead fame in other fields like Islamic political system and Sufsm (mystic) in which he had a remarkable contribution and impact. Besides, Sheik Foudi's Jihad contributed to the spread of Islam in Nigeria and led many Africans to embrace the Foudi methods.</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> Bello Hussaini Hafsat Aliyu Gwandu Copyright (c) 2023 AL-HIKMAH JOURNAL OF ISLAMIC STUDIES الحــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــكـــــــــــــــــــــمـــــــــة: مجلة الدراسات الإسلامية 2022-12-31 2022-12-31 10 2 1 13 Role of Islamic Religion In Building Peaceful Environment for Combating Insecurity and Economic Challenges <p>Islam means peace, not only for the followers of Islam, but for all mankind. Peace is <br>closer to human nature than violence. Peace is the backbone and an essential <br>element for establishing a prosperous environment, Many Prophets prayed to Allah <br>for maintenance of peace in their respective lands and nations. The golden <br>principles and imitable Sunnah of the Prophet Abraham and Muhammad (صلى الله عليه وسلم (show <br>that unnecessary confrontation with enemy must not be wished, because it hampers <br>the way of intellectual growth, creativity, socio-cultural development, economic <br>prosperity, and political stability. Islam does not encourage war and violence,<br>instead it always stresses on peaceful coexistence and cooperation among the <br>diverse communities, which in return improve economic and social status of <br>humans. The paper reviewed the concept of Islamic religion peace and peaceful <br>environment to improve economic for sustainable development. The Paper adopts<br>the method of using some religious materials through secondary data to explain the <br>role of Islamic religion in building peaceful environment and improve economy for <br>sustainable development. The paper concludes that by presenting Islamic religion <br>teaching, no doubt peace building among mankind would be encouraged. <br><br></p> Mujtaba Aliyu Abdullahi Uthman Abdulrahaman Ibrahim Copyright (c) 2023 AL-HIKMAH JOURNAL OF ISLAMIC STUDIES الحــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــكـــــــــــــــــــــمـــــــــة: مجلة الدراسات الإسلامية 2022-12-31 2022-12-31 10 2 13 23 قواعد الرتجيح بني القتاوى املعاصرة املتعارضة حول جائحة كورونا املستجد (كوفيد 19) <table> <tbody> <tr> <td width="312"> <p>تيت هذه الدراسة يف هذه األايم اليت مير ْ العامل أبسره أبزمة خطرية ، اجتاحت العامل كله، وهي جائحة فريوس كوروان، ومشكلة الدراسة تعود إىل وجود عدد كبري من الفتاوى املتعارضة ن هذه النازلة البد هلا من قواعد يف التعامل بني النصوص الصادرة بشأن وابء كوروان، فعرفت أ والفتاوى ومدى العالقة بني التعارض والرتجيح يف انزلة وابء كوروان. وتسعى أهداف الدراسة إىل التعر يف بقواعد الرتجيح عند العلماء وأمهيتها وضوابطها، و معرفة العالقة بني التعارض والرتجيح عند الفقهاء، مث الكشف عن أوجه التعارض بني فتاوى العلماء حول آاثر جائحة فريوس كوروان ً املستجد يف قضااي األمة وسبل درء هذا التعارض ، وأخريا إبراز دور الفقه اإلسالمي وتعامله لكل قضية مستجدة، مما يرسخ قاعدة صالحية الشريعة لكل زمان ومكان. ومناهج الدراسة هي املنهج الوصفي التحليلي و املنهج االستقرائي والتطبيقي. وقد أسفرت الدراسة عن بعض النتائج املهمة وهي: إن قواعد الرتجيح متنوعة وقد اعتمدها الفقهاء قدميا وحديثا يف دفع التعارض الظاهر بني الفتاوى الشرعية، وأنه ال يصار إىل الرتجيح إال عند عدم إمكان اجلمع بني الفتاوى، وأن للرتجيح قواعد وضوابط وأركان وحمل جيب معرفتها قبل اخلوض فيه، وقد قسمت القواعد إىل ثالثة أصناف، قواعد أتصلية للرتجيح، وقواعد ترجيحية بني األحاديث النبوية، وقواعد ترجيحية بني األدلة العقلية وقد بلغ عددها 60 قاعدة ترجيحية مع تطبيق بعضها من خالل القضااي املعاصرة املتعلقة بوابء كوروان</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="312"> <p>This study comes in these days when the whole world is going through a serious crisis that has swept the whole world, which is the Corona virus pandemic. The problem of the study: is due to the presence of a large number of conflicting fatwas issued regarding the Corona epidemic, so I knew that this calamity must have rules in dealing between texts and fatwas, and the extent of the relationship between inconsistency and weighting in the outbreak of the Corona epidemic. The objectives of the study seek to define the rules of weighting for scholars and their importance and controls, and to know the relationship between conflict and weighting among jurists, then to reveal the contradictions between scholars’ fatwas about the effects of the emerging corona virus pandemic on the issues of the nation and ways to ward off this conflict, and finally highlighting the role of Islamic jurisprudence and its handling of each issues nowadays, which consolidates the validity of Sharia for every time and place. The study methods are descriptive analytical, inductive and applied. The study resulted in some important results, namely: The rules of weighting are diverse and the jurists have adopted them, in repelling the apparent contradiction between legal fatwas, and that weighting is only made when it is not possible to combine fatwas, and that weighting has rules, controls, pillars and a place that must be known before practicing it. The rules have been divided into three categories, original rules of weighting, weighting rules among the prophetic hadiths, and weighting rules among rational evidence, and the number has reached 60 weighting rules with the application of some of them through contemporary issues related to the Corona epidemic.</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> د. صاحل موسى جيبو حممد Copyright (c) 2023 AL-HIKMAH JOURNAL OF ISLAMIC STUDIES الحــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــكـــــــــــــــــــــمـــــــــة: مجلة الدراسات الإسلامية 2022-12-31 2022-12-31 10 2 14 44